Thursday 10 March 2016

Hello ! Long time no blog!

yet again I fell off the blogging wagon. However now I have my shiny new laptop I really have no excuse so I am back baby! Kicking off with a post inspired by the fabulous Leonie Dawson (check her out if you haven't already, she rocks! )

Ten things you might not know about me (yes ok she did 25 but I am not nearly as interesting!)

  1. I have odd feet , one is a 3 and one is a 2 . Yes that is very annoying!
  2. I sing in a Pink Floyd tribute band.
  3. I have 3 fabulous children who make me very proud and make me want to drink gin in large quantities!
  4. I love yoga!
  5. I love bright colours and rainbows.
  6. but I actually wear a lot of black, grey and navy blue!
  7. I am proudly welsh!
  8. I can knit and crochet but cant follow patterns well!
  9. I enjoy reading trashy romance novels
  10. My favourite film is The Fifth Element with Bruce Willis!
That was actually pretty hard and if you knw me at all you probably knew most of those things already! Haha! Oh well it got me started at least :) Will try harder in future posts!

Love Rowena xxx

Friday 5 June 2015

I am a mum

I am a mum who drops everything to make jewellery for her children's friends when her child asks
I am a mum who declares 'DANCE BREAK' when it all gets a bit too much
I am a mum who bakes cakes without using a recipe and just hopes for the best
My children lick the bowl.
I am a mum who takes her children on walks , and trips and fun days out.
I make dates with my children , we need some one on one time, regularly.
I make nuggets from scratch and have banned all squash and worry endlessly about getting enough greens.

I am also a mum who shouts too much , drinks too much , cries too much . I don't like children, I adore mine.  I want to be accepted, by other mums, my own parents , my children. I don't , however, want to conform . I am a mum who looks around and wonders , how did this happen ? When did I become the grown up . I am a mum who married young and felt trapped. I am also a mum who left her marriage for another man and embarked on a new , dream, life. I am brave , I am scared , I love and I hate.

Does anyone ever get the balance right ? I cant decide if I want life to slow down , my children grow so quick , or speed up , so I can get some peace.

I need to accept that I am a mum but I am also me.

Wednesday 3 June 2015

Its all about the money . money , money !

I am super excited about a papercutting workshop I am attending this month with the amazing Paper Panda. However when I booked in and paid for the workshop I totally forgot about getting there! Soooo I need to book train tickets. I have decided I don't get much alone time so I would love to travel first class. All i need to manifest is £100 ! Easy right ? Anyone want to buy a papercut ?

Monday 18 May 2015

A new week

Start of a new week and I am feeling postive. Still can't work out how to share photos on blogger from a tablet . something to investigate this week for sure ! So what does this week hold for me? I am going to finish a painting , focus on my kids a bit, get organised for the upcoming half term and declutter the house some more. This morning has been spent doing yoga and having a detoxing bath which was bliss. Now for Lunch and then I am getting the timer set and blast through some work!

Wednesday 13 May 2015

What is a friend?

Today in a feeling very sorry for myself moment I wondered whether I have any real friends? My boyfriend is without doubt my best friend and I feel very lucky to have him but I do miss having a close circle of friends. I have met people since moving to a new town that I think I can call friends, when do they stop being just someone you know . someone you see regularly and become a mate ? Its different as an adult isn't it ? As kids we would just call people, hang out , knock on there door  'Is so an so coming out to play please?' As a woman in her 30s I feel a bit awkward about asking someone if they would like to hang out with me. People are busy they already have a lot going on they wont have time for me!
However I came home and did some yoga ( is it weird that maybe my yoga mat is my second best friend, it is ALWAYS here for me after all ) and I feel better. I do have mates and I don't have time for much more socialising than I already do ! And on that note I am going to send a message asking if a fellow school run mum fancies a coffee this afternoon. What have I got to lose ?

Monday 11 May 2015

After another long break , I'm back!

NO excuses for my time away just that I have been busy living my life :) Now though the time feels right to try my hand at blogging again. This decision has been encouraged by the purchase of a rather nifty wireless keyboard for my tablet . I had been resisting spending the money but i really despise touch screen typing and it was putting me off not only writing here but also reply to messages and emails . I found one on Amazon for around £10 and it is amazing ! No turning back now :)
So what am I going to attempt to blog about this time ? Who knows! But I am feeling like its time for me to truly get back to work and reach my full potential. I am cutting paper again too this week. I love seeing the image appear on the paper. How cutting the lines make the sometimes crude drawings turn into something special. I don't always follow the lines, sometimes preferring to almost sketch with my blade and just see what happens. I am beginning to feel like a real artist . Maybe I have finally begun the process of accepting myself.
So there you go, I am back. I don't know how often I will find my way here but I am aiming for at least once a week and I will learn how to add photos so you can see my work!

Love and light folks!

Wednesday 23 April 2014

Finding my way

I'm not really sure how to describe what I do , who I am? I think the title that fits me best is artist. I'm not a papercutter , a painter , a sketcher , a singer . I am all of those things and more. I am a creator. I worry tho that this could cause me to become a 'jack of all trades , master of none ' type of person. I DO  like to try new things , different mediums but I woukd like to focus and become GOOD at something. I think I have some natural talent but I think I need to learn to focus. Or maybe I don't? My biggest fault is over thinking . I need to relax , enjoy and create :)